Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Sixties

In running errands today I was taken to 49 Geary, that five floor building on the fringe of Union Square that houses five floors of art galleries. I had completely forgotten that the Fraenkel Gallery is having a Garry Winogrand show this month, and I owed it to myself to walk around and see some beautiful art so I had a look. It's a collection of his photographs from the 60's, many of which show the Kennedy/Nixon election which is so poignant during this presidential debacle...errr campaign...we're having. The feeling in these photographs is eerily similar to what is going on now. There's presidential campaigns between young men and old, there's homeless people in the street, there's civil unrest due to overseas tension, and of course there's an interracial couple with chimpanzees.

Also at 49 Geary are photographs by Todd Hido at the Stephen Wirtz Gallery, his signature houses at night were present as well as a series of overcast landscapes taken through a car windshield. His images are so desolate. I love the style. This show is up through the end of December and is worth the trip.

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