Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Home Sick

Clemmy and me, originally uploaded by *Honeychild*.

I came down with a cold after coming back from LA (darn circulated airplane air) and it's pretty much been me and the dogs in bed for the past couple days. It's always so hard for me to just take it easy. I ask Stephen "What should i do?" and he says "REST!" I hate that answer. I'm the type of person that always has four or five projects brewing and it kills me that I'm actually home during the day and don't have the energy to work on any of them! Thank Steve Jobs for laptops though, or else I would be getting absolutely nothing done. Currently focusing on the Hang Jones website which will be ready to launch soon. Though I would also like to go downstairs to my craft room and sew myself a new bag, or skirt, or just clean the house or paint the walls. Yes, I'm a bit ambitious but I take after my dad. We always say he's like the energizer bunny the way he goes from one project to the next.

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