Monday, August 25, 2008

i get around

my sweet ride, originally uploaded by *Honeychild*.

This past Saturday I took Caltrain down to San Jose, connected to the Light Rail (which I've totally forgotten about, but is SO nice to ride -- very friendly, clean and you can wheel your bike right on it) and rode over to my friend's house where I visited with a group of friends who I miss dearly. We used to spend a lot of time together in high school and beyond, which is about 16 years ago now, but I hope this gang will be in my life for the duration. So nice to see people you really know, who make you feel like you never left their side.
Afterwards, I rode from Campbell to Atherton. This is not that long a ride, only about 25 miles, which took me 2 hours, but this was my first long ride purely for the sake of getting somewhere and I really enjoyed it. The smells! The sights! The sounds! So lovely. I'm planning to ride down to Atherton from San Francisco next weekend, I think I'm addicted. Also, my brother just put slightly thicker tires on my bicycle this morning. It was so comfy to ride down Market Street to work this morning, unlike the usual brain-rattling ride I endure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah for fat tires and riding to get somewhere!